Alastair Nash
Wendy Nash
42 St Giles’
Oxford OX1 3LW
01865 310368

Dental emergencies
If you are a patient of the practice and have a dental emergency, please ring the practice. Telephone advice is offered free of charge; a call-out fee in addition to the treatment costs will apply to practice visits. If you are a Denplan patient and are away from home, please ring the appropriate number on your Denplan membership card (UK or Overseas) and Denplan will assist you in finding a dentist and if you opted for the Denplan insurance, that will pay the dentist’s fees.
What should I do if I have a toothache?
If the ache is constant and throbbing, please take some painkillers and contact us as soon as you are able to. If the ache is when you are eating and only lasts for a minute, please contact us for a convenient appointment. If it is an occasional twinge, please keep a note of where and when it occurs so that we can establish the cause at your next check up.
I’ve broken a tooth, what should I do?
If it is not visible and is not sensitive or painful, please contact us for a convenient appointment. If it is unsightly or painful, please telephone the practice so that we can arrange to see you as soon as possible.
I’ve knocked out a front tooth, what should I do?
If it is an adult tooth, PICK IT up by the crown (the part you recognise), LICK IT if the root is dirty and STICK IT back where it came from. Don’t worry if it doesn’t go in all the way or the tooth is the wrong way round; call us immediately and we will assess the damage and usually place a splint on the tooth for a few weeks. DO NOT attempt to put a baby tooth back in its’ socket.
Watch this video: Save a knocked out Tooth